How Rich Is Elon Musk's Family?

How Rich Is Elon Musk's Family?
Welcome back, Richest fans! After the past couple of years, Elon Musk has been battling out to be the world’s wealthiest person. As such, he has a net worth of $154 billion (at the time of writing)! This massive money mound is due to his business success with companies like SpaceX and Tesla. Yet what about the rest of his family tree? Well, that’s what we’re exploring today! We’re going to look at some facts on Elon’s history, as well as his extended family. From his parents, siblings, cousins, to partners old and current. We’ll see if making cash is contained within the genes. Now for the spoiler paragraph. If you like surprises, we suggest you stop reading and watch the video multiple times. We kick-off by looking at Elon’s childhood and his early money-making ways. After that, we’ll examine his parents, Errol and Maye Musk. We then have his siblings. We’ll see how Kimbal Musk has been involved in all of Elon’s businesses whilst creating a food empire and non-profit. While Tosca Musk has created a streaming service and been involved in video production. As for cousins, Lyndon and Peter Rive were both heavily involved with SolarCity before Tesla bought it. While Russ Rive also got the film production bug and even got involved with the Olympics. There’s Elon’s first wife Justine and how they met. Then, Elon met actor Talulah Riley who got married and divorced twice. Then there’s Musk’s current partner, the musician known as Grimes. Finally, we’ll briefly look at the expensive houses Musk has recently sold. Written by: Jordy McKen Narrated by: Chris Montrose Edited by: Adam A. Subscribe for more amazing videos! ► ◄ For copyright matters please contact us at: CHAPTERS: 00:00 Intro 00:35 Elon’s Childhood 02:09 Musk’s Parents 03:42 Musk’s Siblings 05:06 Musk’s Cousins 06:40 Musk’s Partners

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