How Much Would It Cost To Build The Great Wall Of China Today

How Much Would It Cost To Build The Great Wall Of China Today
What would it cost to make a modern Great Wall of China? The original wall took an estimated 2,000 years and once spanned over 13,000 miles. Now only 4,500 miles are still standing. It came at an incredible cost-- not just money, but also the lives of labourers. Some estimates say more than a million workers are buried along the wall. The World Wonder was built using innovative forms of construction, like mortar made from sticky rice, transportation via goats and donkeys, and “flying baskets.” A modern wall would definitely be easier to build but it would be harder to secure permission to create such an epic structure across multiple territories. Like the original wall, a modern Great Wall of China would cost billions of dollars. Do you think another Great Wall could ever exist? It was built primarily as a defense-- but that didn‘t stop Genghis Khan and the Mongols from invading. It also served as unification and still persists today as a tourist attraction and construction marvel. Yet miles of the wall have been destroyed and more of it is crumbling into ruin. Could it ever be replaced? Let’s journey to the Great Wall and discover what it would cost to build today-- and what it cost to build back then. From the Qin Dynasty to the modern replica that already exists in China, here’s everything you ever wanted to know about the work-- and money-- that went into creating the world’s most famous wall. Written by: Courtney Hayes Narrated by: Adam Newmark Edited by: Nikita Bereznev Subscribe for more amazing videos! ► ◄ For copyright matters please contact us at: CHAPTERS: 00:00 Intro 00:36 Why did China need a Great Wall? 01:37 The Great Wall cost time, money and lives 03:18 Building a modern Great Wall

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